Wednesday 16 January 2019

Things You Need To Know About Root Canal Pain

Term ‘root canal’ is famous due to the horror stories of pain associated with it. However, you may wonder if this procedure is this much painful. Good news is that root treatment is no longer painful in the way it was a few years back.

What causes the pain?
One thing that you need to keep in mind is that root canal treatment is not the source of pain. The matter of fact is that root canal treatment aims at treating the pain due to infection in the pulp. Although there had been discomfort associated with the procedure in the past, it is no longer the case due to the use of anesthesia. The discomfort due to procedure is generally nothing more than what you get while getting your tooth filled.

One thing that you need to keep in mind here is that the pain is mainly due to infected and damaged nerve. Root canal treatment involves cleaning of the tooth’s inner chamber by clearing the infected tissues and nerves. It means that you will be able to get relief from what’s causing the pain with the help of root canal treatment. There might be some pain and discomfort in the surgery site for a few days but this discomfort is going to subside eventually. You can control pain and swelling with the help of medications that your dentist is going to prescribe you. Normally, the discomfort after the procedure is too little that you can go to work almost immediately.

Is tooth extraction a better choice?
You may think about getting the tooth extracted to solve the problem once and for all. However, most of the dentists agree on the fact that keeping the natural tooth is more preferable as compared to having bridge or even implant after getting the tooth extracted. If you want to retain the functionality of an infected tooth, you can go for the root canal therapy. Remember, it is always going to be more preferable removing the infected pulp rather than pulling an entire tooth and put the health of entire jaw at stake.

Now, you may be able to know about the effectiveness of root canal treatment. If you are feeling the discomfort and you think that root canal can help you get the issue resolved, don’t be afraid of going to the dentist. Remember, the tooth preserved after root canal treatment can stay in your mouth for the rest of your life. All you have to do is to make sure that you take care of your oral hygiene and follow the instructions by your dentist.

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